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Cough Decongestant Syrup (Cough, Congestion, RSV, Throat, Lung Health)

Cough Decongestant Syrup (Cough, Congestion, RSV, Throat, Lung Health)

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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Fast Acting & Delicious.  If you're struggling with dry or wet lingering cough, sore throat, RSV or congestion.. this is a must have for you!  This syrup has been the talk of town and has helped hundreds of people.  I've had clients who suffer from lung conditions for years but quickly relieved thanks to my Herbalist formulated cough syrup.  It's all natural with no side effects, very powerful but taste so amazing that my kids fake a cough to get it.   This is for anyone over 12 months of age.   I have a special syrup for babies under 12 months that is made with Raw Agave syrup instead of honey.  

Raw Honey, Raw Onions, Cloves, Star Anise, Ginger, Slippery Elm, Cinnamon Bark, & Rosemary

Children 12 months and older- 1 teaspoon as needed 
Children over 8 years & Adults- 1 tablespoon as needed

Store Cough Decongestant syrup in a cool dark cabinet.  It will lasts indefinitely as long as you take care of your jar.  You can achieve this by pouring the syrup directly into a medicine cup or by using a sterile spoon.  If your jar is exposed to cold temperatures the honey will crystalize.  You can turn it back into a liquid consistency by giving it a very low water bath.

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**Disclaimer: The above statement has not been evaluated by the FDA, and is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. The result may vary from person to person. Please consult with your health care provider before using any supplements.
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